Austin Rivers saw his life flash before his eyes during Saturday night’s game 5 between the Lakers and the Rockets.
Late in the fourth quarter Rivers accidentally threw the ball at LeBron’s head after a foul call and LeBron looked like he was ready to fight Rivers for a brief moment before cooling off.
LeBron James was about to end Austin Rivers. This game is pure comedy— Eric Rosenthal (@ericsports) September 13, 2020
You can see the terror in Rivers’ eyes as he pleaded with LeBron in the replay.
Austin Rivers was shook af lmao.. didn’t want no smoke— Danny (@CountOn24) September 13, 2020
The Internet immediately had jokes about Rivers’ being terrified of LeBron.
Austin Rivers to Lebron after swating a ball at his head— KNV (@DannyNotGreen) September 13, 2020
Austin Rivers after the ball hit LeBron— Josiah Johnson (@KingJosiah54) September 13, 2020
Austin Rivers to LeBron James— Ali B (@ali_behpoornia) September 13, 2020
Austin Rivers once he saw Lebron Turnaround
— Ralph
(@_Ralphh__) September 13, 2020
— Adi (@AdiAtWork) September 13, 2020
Austin Rivers life flashing before his eyes when he hit LeBron with the ball— SG5 (Shirogohan_5)
(@Shirogohan_5) September 13, 2020
— Ryan Belk (@r3pliku) September 13, 2020
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