Thursday, December 31, 2020

Start the New Year With Vim and Vigor: Enrollment for The Strenuous Life Is Now Open!

It is an Enrollment for The Strenuous life.

Life doesn’t magically get better by turning the page on the calendar. Life gets better by turning your desires into reality. It gets better by not just thinking about the man you want to be, but taking concrete, active steps in becoming that man. 

Let joining The Strenuous Life be the first step in that journey, and your guide in the steps to come. The winter enrollment of TSL is now open!

What Members Are Saying About The Strenuous Life

The Strenuous Life is an online/offline program designed to help men turn their intentions into actions, do hard things, and become stronger in body, mind, and spirit. We’ve had nearly 8,000 people of all ages and from all walks of life sign up and the feedback has been incredible. 

Here are just a few testimonials from members of the latest cohort of TSL Classes; you can read 300+ more testimonials here.  

“I’ve been following the AoM site for some time, but was pretty hesitant about joining, using every excuse like time or the expense to justify not getting into the arena and putting what I had learned on the site to good use. My best friend enrolled me for my birthday, and I’m so glad she did. TSL has given me a break from the regular monotony of life, combined with goals to put what I’m learning into practice. In a few short months, I’ve added over a hundred pounds to my barbell lifts, walked a mile over rocky ground without shoes, and performed a good deed every day for 12 weeks. As soon as you get over the initial resistance of any excuse you may have, do yourself a favor and enroll in what is a life-changing experience. You won’t regret it!

–Nigel H., Class 057

“I’m incredibly happy that I pulled the trigger on joining The Strenuous Life. The weekly Agons pulled me out of my comfort zone, the ‘gymnasium’ has held me accountable while making me feel supported, and the badges provide an opportunity to learn a wide variety of interesting skills. At 36, I am more physically, spiritually, and mentally fit than I have been in a long time and my wife and kids are grateful for my overall improvement. Hands down, one of the best choices I’ve made for myself and my family.

–Dave R., Class 056

“After leaving the Army, I was lost and had trouble finding myself and the greater purpose I found in service. I was depressed, riddled with anxiety, and struggled with decision paralysis. The Strenuous Life helped me harness my strengths, grapple with my weaknesses, set task to purpose, and ultimately provide a framework for finding the meaning and purpose I longed for. Today, I’m a more present father and husband, an avid runner, and a man who knows his values and principles.

–Bryan D., Class 057 

“One of my most nagging fears has been that I am still a boy. Even after going through a rite of passage such as the Peace Corps, where I spent two and a half years living in a yurt on the often harsh steppe of Mongolia, and even after getting married, I still felt a disconnect when calling myself a man. This came to a head when I learned that my wife and I would be having our first child, a boy. How can I possibly raise a little boy into a man if I am yet to become one myself? Throughout the past three months of The Strenuous Life, I’ve trekked 50 miles, marched through the forest with a 50-pound rock in tow, approached strangers in conversation, and have become more reflective on how I can do good each and every day. Most

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