Monday, January 18, 2021

Podcast # 676: Stop Living on Auto-pilot and Take Duty for Your Life

Do you ever have moments of terrible realization where you recognize that you’re living on autopilot? Instead of feeling like you’re in the driver’s seat, you feel like life is happening to you. You’re just going through the motions, you’ve lost your spark, and the months and years slide by in an indistinct blur. 

My guest today has been there himself, and has an action plan for how to find your way out. His name is Antonio Neves, and he’s a writer, speaker, and success coach, as well as the author of Stop Living on Autopilot: Take Responsibility for Your Life and Rediscover a Bolder, Happier You. At the start of our conversation, Antonio shares his own experience with outwardly having a life that seemed happy and successful, while inwardly feeling totally lost and stuck. We then turn to some really great, incisive questions to ask yourself to assess if you’re coasting in life and to become more accountable to the changes you need to make to start intentionally steering again. We talk about what you’re really missing when you say you miss the good old days, how to ensure the best of your life is ahead of you instead of behind you, and why you need to make a list of all your current complaints. We then discuss the importance of who you surround yourself with, why you need allies instead of thieves in your circle, and the difference something called “Man Mornings” has made in Antonio’s life. We end our conversation with concrete steps you can start taking today to shift out of autopilot, including Antonio’s personal checklist of five things he does every day to ensure it’s a good one.

If reading this in an email, click the title of the post to listen to the show.

Show Highlights

Why Antonio’s life looked good on paper, but was turmoil inside What it means to be living on autopilot How a homeless man and a secret smoking habit changed Antonio’s life How the phrase “life is short” ends up being an excuse Why re-committing is more meaningful than committing The most powerful question that Antonio regularly asks himself Would you bet on yourself? What do people mean when they say they miss “the good old days” How our complaints can actually open up a window into our desires Allies vs. thieves What are “man mornings”? Why are they so beneficial to Antonio’s life?The things Antonio does every day to keep his life off autopilot 

Resources/Articles/People Mentioned in Podcast

The Power of Implementation IntentionsEmbracing the GrindHow to Make Time for What Really Matters Every DayThink Like a Poker Player to Make Better DecisionsSources of Existential Angst Finding an Existential Second WindNostalgia — Its Benefits and DownsidesHow to Turn Fear Into Fuel

Connect With Antonio 

Antonio’s website

Antonio on Twitter

Antonio on Instagram

Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!)

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