Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Best of the Art of Manliness: 2021

As another year draws to a close, we’ll be taking the next week off from publishing new content to enjoy the holidays and catch up on all the behind-the-scenes tasks that go into running a website and podcast. While we’re away, check out some of our best and most popular content of the year.


Most Popular Articles of the Year Based on Traffic

The Groundhog Day Diet: Why I Eat the Same Thing Every DayYour No-Nonsense Guide to Choosing the Right Beard StyleThe Steve McQueen WorkoutHow Long Does It Take to Put on Muscle?The 10 Best War Movies of All-timeWhy Every Man Should Have 3 Signature DishesThe Least Interesting GenerationHow to Pack a Backpack for BackpackingAre You Suffering From Soft Suburban Dad Syndrome? 50 Questions for Self-ExaminationEverything You Didn’t Know About the Trusty Tape MeasureThe 6 Fire Lays Every Man Should Know3 Things No One Ever Told You About Making Friends in AdulthoodHow to Grow Your Hair Out Long (For Dudes)

Our Personal Picks

(Some of the most popular above would be included in this list as well):

How to Create a Soundtrack for Your LifeYour Three Selves and How Not to Fall Into Despair4 Key Insights From the Bhagavad GitaAre You Disciplined or Just Self-Disciplined?Curbside Pickup and the End of Peak Consumerism3 Essential Books for Understanding Our Disorienting Modern WorldWhat Gandhi and a 19th-Century Prussian Prince Can Teach You About Making Unbreakable ResolutionsThe 10 Best Biographies of American PresidentsHow Saunas Can Help Save Your Body, Mind, and SpiritLooking for a Daddy, in All the Wrong PlacesNietzsche’s (Surprisingly Sound) Advice on Choosing a SpouseAre You Prepared for the Coming Existential Crisis?

Sunday Firesides Favorites

Don’t Adopt Ideas Based on TrendsDie RedThere Are No Second ChancesThe Cult of Personality in a Small-Minded SocietyWhat’s Happening Is . . .Be Not a Consumer of LifePermission to Be Wholesome, GrantedDespise Not the Thing That Would Save YouWant to Solve Your Social Problems? Get Over Your SelfThe Cost of a ThingDisappointment, The Emotion of ChildrenA Long Obedience in the Same Direction


Most Popular Podcasts of the Year Based on Listens

Physical Benchmarks Every Man Should Meet, At Every AgeHow to DecideEmail Is Making Us Miserable — Here’s What to Do About ItThe No-Nonsense Guide to Simplifying Every Aspect of Your LifeOvercoming the Comfort CrisisHow to Make Your Life More EffortlessThe Psychology of Effective Weight LossWhat a Man With 60,000 Books Can Teach You About Lifelong Learning and Building Your Home LibraryThe Character Traits That Drive Optimal PerformanceA Surprising Theory on Why We Get FatThe Rise of the Religious “Nones” (And What It Means for Society)How Testosterone Makes Men, Men

Our Personal Picks 

(Some of the most popular above would be included in this list as well):

Cormac McCarthy, The Road, and Carrying the FireWhy We Get SickRewild Your LifeThe Hell-Raising Leader of WWII’s Filthy ThirteenMen Without ChestsThe (Non-Cliche) Life Lessons of Fly FishingThe Best Tools for Personal ChangeHow to Keep Your Edge as You Get OlderTheodore Roosevelt, The Last RomanticStop Living on Autopilot and Take Responsibility for Your LifeThe Complex Coolness of Steve McQueen

If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Art of Manliness podcast. It’s a great way to get your AoM fix while commuting or working out:

Apple Podcast.

Google Podcast.

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