Thursday, February 24, 2022

Podcast # 781: Beyond OODA-- Establishing the Orientation for Conflict and Violence

The OODA Loop — the OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, Act — is a strategic tool designed to help people make better decisions when facing any kind of competitor or opponent.

My guest today says that when that opponent is a seasoned criminal, the Orient component of OODA — a person’s mindset — is the most underestimated and critical part of the model to understand.

His name is Varg Freeborn and he’s the author of Violence of Mind: Training and Preparation for Extreme Violence, and Beyond OODA: Developing the Orientation for Deception, Conflict, and Violence. We begin with how Varg’s life story has uniquely positioned him to understand the dynamics of violence from the perspectives of both the perpetrators of crime, and the would-be preventers of that crime. Varg shares how he went from being a convicted felon to a self-defense and firearms instructor who’s worked with both civilians and law enforcement.

We then turn to why it’s so important to understand the difference between the orientation of an average person and the orientation of a violent criminal, and why, when the two collide, the latter has a real advantage over the former. We end our conversation with what you can do in terms of mindset and training to close that gap, and be better prepared to handle a violent encounter.

Resources Related to the Podcast

AoM article on the OODA LoopAoM Podcast #198: Turning Yourself Into a Human WeaponAoM Podcast #334: When Violence Is the AnswerAoM Podcast #688: Protection for and From HumanityAoM Podcast #513: Be Your Own Bodyguard

Connect With Varg Freeborn

Varg’s Website

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Transcript Coming Soon!

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