Monday, June 24, 2024

Skill of the Week: Open a Can Without a Can Opener

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A man's ability to adapt to any situation is an important part of his masculinity. We'll be republishing an illustrated guide from our archive every Sunday so that you can improve your manly knowledge week by week.

Remember the scene from The Road, where the boy and father find a perfectly stocked, untouched survival bunker? They happily gawk as they take crate after can of canned goods. It's an oasis in otherwise desolate and apocalyptic terrain. The two open the cans using a can opener and prepare a meal of canned peaches and pears. "They licked their spoons, tipped their bowls and drunk the sweet syrup."

What if the father and son didn't find a can opener in their supplies? As long as they were aware of some other opening methods, it was not a problem.

Cans of food, despite their appearance, are actually made from a thin layer of aluminum. It's easy to exploit the cans' weakness using a variety tools. If you ever find yourself without a jar opener, here are three easy ways to open your food.

Ted Slampyak is the illustrator.

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