Friday, June 28, 2024

The Elementary Morality of Civilization

In the nineteenth century and into the early 20th century, education institutions, from elementary to college, sought to develop not only students' academic skills, but also their "virtuous, noble feelings," as described in an 1849 textbook.

The Character Education Institution (a think-tank that conducts research on moral education) held a competition in 1916 to find the best morality codes for children. This code explained the basic principles of living a good life. William J. Hutchins was the college president who wrote the winning entry. The winning entry was written by William J. Hutchins, a college president. It was checked against 650 lists of potential moral acts and 92 "desirable characteristics", other contest entries and literature on morality education. Then it was revised and expanded in accordance. In 1926, "The Children's Morality Code for Elementary Schools", was published. Students were encouraged to adhere to its principles by creating classroom clubs.


Good Americans are always striving to be strong, useful and worthy of their country, so that we can become a better and greater nation. They obey the same laws that the best Americans always followed.

I. The Law of Self-Control

Good Americans can control themselvesThe best way to serve your country is by controlling yourself.1. I will control my mouth and not let it speak vulgar or offensive words. I will stop and think before I say anything. I will always tell the truth.2. I will not be angry when someone or something displeases me. I will maintain my self-control even when I am angry at wrong or contradicting falsehood.3. I will be in control of my thoughts and not let a foolish desire ruin a wise goal.4. I will be in control of my actions. I will control my actions.5. I will not degrade the character or ridicule another. I will maintain my own self-respect and help others keep theirs.

II. The Law of Good Health

Good Americans strive to maintain and gain good healthOur country's welfare depends on those who are physically fit to do their work. Therefore:1. I will make sure that my health is always maintained by eating, sleeping, and exercising in the right way.2. I will clean my clothes, body and mind.3. I will not adopt any habits that would harm me and only develop those which will benefit me.4. I will guard the safety and health of others as well as myself.5. I will become strong and skilled.

III. The Law of Kindness

AMERICANS ARE GOOD AMERICANS ARE KINDDifferent people must live together in America. We are many kinds of people, but we are all one great nation. Every act of unkindness harms the life of everyone; every act kindness benefits all. Therefore:1. All my thoughts will be kind. I will not hold grudges or spites against anyone. I will never belittle anyone.2. All my words will be kind. I will not gossip or speak unkindly to anyone. Words can either heal or wound.3. I will act with kindness. I won't insist on my way if it is selfish. I will not be rude: rude people do not make good Americans. I will be polite to my employees and not cause unnecessary problems. I will take care of the things that belong to others. I will try to help those in need and prevent cruelty.

IV. The Law of Sportmanship

Good Americans Play FairThe strength and courage of a person are increased and trained by playing strong. Sportsmanship makes you a gentleman or a lady. Therefore:1. I won't cheat. I will follow the rules. But I will play hard to win the game by strength and skills. If I did not play fairly, the loser of the game would lose enjoyment, the winner his self-respect and the game would be a cruel and mean business.2. I will be courteous to my opponents and give them trust if they deserve it. I will be polite.3. I'll play a game in a team, not to win for myself, but to help my team.4. I'll be a good winner or a gracious loser.5. And in my work as well as in my play, I will be sportsmanlike--generous, fair, honorable.

V. THE LAW of Self-RELIance

Good Americans are self-reliantSelf-conceit can be silly.

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